Why Therapy?
Re-author your relationship possibilities through:
A client centered, strength based approach | Finding new ways of creating meaning, while understanding previous ways of coping | The desire for a better now and future
Not letting your past rule you anymore
Having grown up in California and living in different cities, it may appear that I have a primarily Californian experience. Being a multicultural Southeast Asian American, I understand what it is like to have to live in multiple cultural words simultaneously and having to move between them based on the current environment and context. I think this provides real life education in what it is like to experience multiple types of relationships across various contexts. I also have published research in some of these areas in addition to other topics relevant to the field of marriage and family therapy. In my spare time to relax, I like to watch movies, read, or do any type of exercise to get moving. That sometimes includes swimming, zumba, or kick box aerobics!
I am a member of the following organizations while also holding leadership positions.
American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy
A national organization that is supportive of the MFT profession and promotes activities within this realm. This organization also works with COAMFTE. I have attended their conferences and held positions within their AAMFT-CA board and elections counsel. I am a national board member for AAMFT with a term of 2023 to 2025.
California Association of Marriage and Family Therapy
A state based organization that is supportive of the MFT license and promotes activities within this realm.
American Family Therapy Academy
A national organization that is supportive of research and scholarly work within family therapy and promotes activities within this realm.
Courses Taught:
These courses have been taught in programs where students are earning their degrees in Psychology, degrees in Psychology with an emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy, and/or degrees in Marriage and Family Therapy.
Bachelors' Courses:
Introduction to Counseling
Social Science- Senior Capstone (Introduction to Research)
Masters' Courses (online or in person):
Law and Ethics
Foundations of Graduate Study For MFT
Diversity and the Family
Cultural Diversity, Gender, and Family Therapy
MFT Practicum
MFT Practicum Extension
Individuals and the Family Life Cycle
Research and Bibliographic Methods
Working with Interracial Couples in Therapy (self designed elective)
Emotionally Focused Therapy for Couples
Parent Child Relationships
Trauma and Crisis Intervention
CD and the Family
Doctoral Courses:
Advanced Professional Practice (Doctoral level clinical supervision for doctoral students)
Advanced MFT Research Methods: Qualitative Research
Advanced Brief Therapy Models/Advanced Family Therapy 2
Advanced Couples Therapy
Advanced Intergenerational Therapy/Advanced Family Therapy 1
Advanced Practicum (for Doctoral Level MFT students only)
Co-teaching with professors in a Clinical Psychology program:
Cultural Diversity training
Systemic Sex Therapy
Treating Infidelity and Sexual Issues
Supervision in Marriage and Family Therapy
Internship supervision (all tracks)
Customized and specialized to students choice; customized tracks are in the following categories: research, teaching, specialized training within clinical hours, AAMFT clinical supervision of supervision, and/or program development/advocacy.
I have also presented at various conferences on a variety of topics within the field of mental health at various cities in California, states in the US, and countries internationally.
I also work with licensed professionals to help them obtain their AAMFT supervision credential.
Sabbatical Spring 2024
The purpose of a sabbatical is for faculty to get an administrative release from teaching activity and other duties, to focus on research. During my sabbatical I worked on many projects. The highlights include:
Completing a book on Interracial, Intercultural, and Interfaith Families across the Life cycle (A book for therapists and clients- see the book tab for more details)
Collaborating with colleagues on creating a scale for students to help choose their theoretical orientation
Working on an article with a colleague on interracial children
Working with colleagues on diversity projects/future research
Working with a current student (1) and alumni (2)
Working on an article from the book listed above
Two book chapters on interracial relationships
Working with a colleague on research methods in supervision/work with students
Brain-spotting trauma trainings (parts work/spirituality),
Work with dissertation students
Article with colleagues on a book chapter about being a South Asian Woman.
Seshadri, G., Poulsen, S. S., & Natarajan-Tyagi, R. (2024). Unveiling Lived Realities: Narratives of South Asian Indian Women in Academia. Social Sciences, 13 (12), 667. https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci13120667
Cho, S., Glebova, T., Seshadri, G. et al. A Phenomenological Study of Parentification Experiences of Asian American Young Adults. Contemporary Family Therapy (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10591-024-09723-x
Seshadri, G., & Gutierrez, D. Interracial, Intercultural, and Interfaith Couples and Families Across the Life Cycle. Springer https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-58538-8
Gorden, A. M., Seshadri, G., Glebova, T., & Nylund, D. K. (2024). Sensate focus: addressing potential preconceived notions of black sexuality. Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 1–25. https://doi.org/10.1080/14681994.2024.2366506
Espinoza, S., Davis, S., & Seshadri, G. (2024). Perceptions of the effect of parental deportation on adult intimate relationships. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 1–17. https://doi.org/10.1111/jmft.12697
Watters, E. R. & Seshadri, G. (2024). Approaching Resilience Through Contextual and Systemic Frameworks. Cultivating Systemic Resilience in Therapy: Applications and Interventions for Families, Relationships, and Individuals ( Chapter 4, pp.54-70). Routledge.
Seshadri, G., & Poulsen, S. (2023). The Therapeutic Dance of Bowenian Therapy and South Asian Families: Issues to Consider. In The Routledge International Handbook of Couple and Family Therapy (pp. 230-243). Routledge.
Seshadri, Gita & Pereyra, Sergio & Quek, Karen & Chen, Hao-Min & Hsieh, Alex. (2023). Social Location, Power, and Disadvantage: Experiences of MFT Faculty. Journal of Feminist Family Therapy. 1-20. DOI: 10.1080/08952833.2023.2260058.
Dansby Olufowote, R., Seshadri, G, & Samman, S. K. (2022, August/Sept). Why your interracial/multinational couples might be dropping out of therapy: A self-of-the-therapist approach to increase retention and a discussion of related factors. Family Therapy Magazine
Gutierrez, D., Gonzalez, C., & Seshadri, G. (2022). We are the unicorns: Exploring experiences of Latina graduate women utilizing an intersectional Latino/a critical theory framework. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/pac0000595
Valdes, J. B., Kim, K.B., Hsieh, A.L., & Seshadri, G. (2021) Married Gay Asian-American men’s constructs of marriage, Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health, DOI: 10.1080/19359705.2021.2008571
Negash, S., Roberson, P. N. E., Seshadri, G., & Ayres, K. (2021). Relational Factors and Sexual Health for Female College Students in Exclusive Heterosexual Relationships. Sexuality & Culture. doi:10.1007/s12119-021-09867-0
Seshadri G. (2021). Assumed Privilege and Role Confusion: A South Asian Woman’s Experiences of Social Location and Professional Roles. In: Quek K.MT., Hsieh A.L. (eds) Intersectionality in Family Therapy Leadership. AFTA SpringerBriefs in Family Therapy. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-67977-4_6
Seshadri G. (2019). Homeostasis in Family Systems Theory. In: Lebow J., Chambers A., Breunlin D. (eds) Encyclopedia of Couple and Family Therapy. Springer, Cham doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-15877-8
Gorden A., Seshadri G. (2018). Institute for Family and Sexuality Studies, Leuven. In: Lebow J., Chambers A., Breunlin D. (eds) Encyclopedia of Couple and Family Therapy. Springer, Cham doi:10.1007/978-3-319-15877-8_634-1
Samman S.K., Seshadri G. (2018). AAMFT Approved Supervisor Training. In: Lebow J., Chambers A., Breunlin D. (eds) Encyclopedia of Couple and Family Therapy. Springer, Cham doi:10.1007/978-3-319-15877-8_655-1
Hsieh, A. L., & Seshadri, G. (2018). Promoting Diversity and Multicultural Training in Higher Education: Calling in Faculty. In B. Blummer, J. Kenton, & M. Wiatrowski (Eds.), Promoting Ethnic Diversity and Multiculturalism in Higher Education (pp. 112-131). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-4097-7.ch007
Wilson, K., Glebova, T., Davis, S., & Seshadri, G. (2017). Adolescent Mothers in Foster Care: Relational Ethics, Depressive Symptoms and Health Problems Through a Contextual Therapy Lens. Contemporary Family Therapy: An International Journal, 39(3), 150-161. doi:10.1007/s10591-017-9417-y
Seshadri, G. (2017). David Kniskern. In Encyclopedia of Couple and Family Therapy. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-15877-8_729-1
Seshadri, G. (2017). Shin-Ichi Nakamura. In Encyclopedia of Couple and Family Therapy. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-15877-8_730-1
Seshadri, G. (2017). Melvin Wilson. In Encyclopedia of Couple and Family Therapy. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-15877-8_854-1
Seshadri, G. (2017). Steven Wolin. In Encyclopedia of Couple and Family Therapy. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-15877-8_855-1
Seshadri, G. (2016). Moving away from pathology: A review of the system of intermarriage. [Review of the book Intermarriage and Mixed Parenting, Promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing: Crossover Love by Rashmi Singla]. Psyccritiques, 61(6), doi:10.1037/a0040122
Seshadri, G. (2014). How does your anger bubble up? An intervention for anger, grief, and relapse prevention. Journal of Family Psychotherapy, 25(3), 271-274.
Seshadri, G & Knudson-Martin, C. (2013). How couples manage interracial and intercultural differences: What works? Journal of Marriage and Family Therapy, 39(1), 43-58 (early view, Feb 2012)
Cowdery, R., Scarborough, N., Lewis, M., Seshadri, G. (2009). “Pulling together: African American couples manage social inequalities.” In C. Knudson-Martin & A.R. Mahoney (Eds), Couples, Gender, and Power: Creating Change in Intimate Relationships, (215-234), New York, NY: Springer Publications
Cowdery, R.S., Scarborough, N., Knudson-Martin, C., Seshadri, G., Lewis, M.E., & Mahoney, A.R. (2009). Gendered power in cultural contexts: Part II. Middle-class African American heterosexual couples with young children. Family Process, 48, 25-40.